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Are we having fun yet?

If you own successful restaurants, you should be having fun with your business and be able to live your life with a great deal of freedom. Restaurateurs are idolized. To the outsider, owning restaurants does not really look like a job. It’s easy for people to fantasize about what it would be like to live that … Continued

Food trucks, pop ups, kiosks, grab and go . . . hey wait . . .

It used to be you went to the food, now the food comes to you. At major events you scan your peripheral vision and see 20 food truck options from right to left.  Positioning imitates real estate,  where the end caps do better, and a parking lot can emulate a restaurant district.  Some people may … Continued

When success drives more success.

“The P&L is really not important here anymore.” There, I said it. Around the table were some confused and shocked faces. The best businesses are doing well, but they know they can do better. Having a predictable financial statement and a budget they meet or beat every period indicates they are in that stage.  So … Continued

The million-dollar question

One of my clients leaned into a group of his colleagues where I was sitting at a roundtable recently. He peered over my shoulder, and said in a mock comic tone, “Somebody has drilled the importance of PPA into me.” I could not see his face, but I knew he was smiling. I smiled, too. … Continued