Restaurant Ownership

Beware: Your Bonus Plan May Be Working Against Your Restaurant’s Best Interests

May 17, 2018

People hate airlines — or, at best, tolerate them. But, even with their product quality and customer service ratings plummeting, their profits are at record levels. That’s sustainable in the airline business, which is essentially closed to competition, but would be catastrophic in the restaurant … Continued

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Why Capability is the Door Opener to Successful Restaurants

May 10, 2018

Capability is the first key factor to having a business that allows you to maximize its value, your net worth, and the quality, flexibility, and enjoyment of your life. My research shows that when you add capability to the other key factors, opportunity and strategy … Continued

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The Ambitious Restaurateur’s Guide to Taking the Whole Summer Off

May 7, 2018

When you’re successful, you don’t have to do what many families do every spring: figure out who will take care of the kids once the school year is done. Instead, you get to think about where you are going to go as a family. For … Continued

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Restaurateurs: How to Keep Investors From Owning You

April 30, 2018

Who is the only person to whom you should give control of your successful multi-unit independent restaurant company? The person you just sold it to. Other than that, no one. While you are at your company, keep control. No matter how tempting the offer, control … Continued

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Are You Playing the Victim in Your Restaurant Business?

April 23, 2018

Successful people continue to be successful during lulls in their business, it is all a matter of degree — and that may cover up the need to address opportunities that, if they could talk, would be shouting for attention. • “After the election, my sales … Continued

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How Restaurateurs Turn Challenges into their Biggest Competitive Advantage

April 2, 2018

I was recently interviewed by Howard Riell for a cover story for Restaurant Startup and Growth Magazine titled, “Help Needed — How to Compete for and Retain Employees in Today’s Job Market.” If you want to know what I think about that topic, Howard really … Continued

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Your Guests’ Thinking About Restaurant Delivery Has Changed. Has Yours?

March 19, 2018

What’s changed? The guest has made a decision for convenience over quality — like they have in many other aspects of their life. It has taken many restaurateurs too long to realize and accept that the guest does not share the depth of their concerns … Continued

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Restaurant Owners Stop Being Busy

How Successful Restaurant Owners Stop ”Being Busy”

March 15, 2018

Show as much interest in the quality of their lives as they do results produced by their business. “How are you doing?” is a question we all get asked so many times we develop a rote answer. For many, that answer is, “I’m Busy” — … Continued

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Take Months Vacation From Your Restaurant

Can You Take a Month’s Vacation From Your Restaurants?

March 12, 2018

You can when you set up your company to run without depending upon you. This is Spring Break week here in Texas (we go early in the year) — time to think about getting away. What’s the secret of restaurateurs who can get away for … Continued

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Keep Your Restaurant Relevant

Top Tips to Keep Your Restaurant Relevant

March 8, 2018

Be innovative. Today’s ideas are like fresh produce: wonderful but perishable — and, as an independent restaurant company owner, you constantly need a new supply. My most successful clients combine innovation with a robust social media presence to stay fresh, and make things happen. Why … Continued

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Protect Yourself from the Success Bubble

Restaurant Bubble? Protect Yourself From the Success Bubble Instead

March 1, 2018

Before bed the other night, I read a post on Culture Map listing 50 new restaurant openings in our metro Dallas area. I think it’s safe to say that, as I predicted, the restaurant bubble bursting did not happen. There has been a fair share of restaurant closings … Continued

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Success for Restaurateurs

How Restaurateurs Take the Reins of Success

February 22, 2018

Every restaurateur has a right to succeed — and to succeed beyond their dreams. I absolutely believe that…and it’s been my life’s work to make that happen. I also believe that, as long as you are learning, paying attention, changing with the times, and taking … Continued

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Restaurant Company Owners Push Through Expansion Barriers Part 3

How Restaurant Company Owners Push Through Expansion Barriers, Part 3

February 12, 2018

Twenty units. As an independent multi-unit restaurant company owner, where do you go from there? This is your “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” moment. Going past 20 units means a choice about how you want to live your life — with an added … Continued

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Restaurant Company Owners Push Through Expansion Barriers Part 2

How Restaurant Company Owners Push Through Expansion Barriers, Part 2

February 9, 2018

If your independent restaurant company unit count has reached double digits, congratulations! You’ve reached a significant milestone.  Where do you go from here? Maybe you’ve never owned 10 restaurants before. A whole new set of challenges and opportunities awaits. It’s imperative that you handle them … Continued

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pushing through expansion barriers

How Restaurant Company Owners Push Through Expansion Barriers, Part 1

February 7, 2018

All my research points to a proven formula for handling issues that impact your multi-unit independent restaurant company’s ability to grow. In our business, it is a cliché that the hardest thing to do is grow from one to two units. But there are other … Continued

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Keys to Restaurant Owners Finding Joy

4 Keys to Restaurant Company Owners Finding Joy

February 6, 2018

If you own a successful independent multi-unit restaurant company, your work life — and your whole life — ought to be a joy. That’s how my best clients feel. This is the single most important thing I work on with my clients. But not all … Continued

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restaurant owners solving problems

The Technique Successful Restaurant Owners Use to Solve Big Problems

February 5, 2018

Recently a successful restaurateur looked at me over the lunch table and told me that running his increasingly growing stable of much-admired restaurants was beginning to become boring. “An opening is an opening — and, in operations, you may have problems, but they tend to … Continued

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Four Strategies for Selecting Your Site

November 16, 2015

Restaurant Development+Design November/December, 2015 By:  Matthew Mabel Choosing the right site — one that is optimal for your concept, the right location for your customer base and at the right time for the place — is paramount to your success. Site selection is about more … Continued

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Sell the Vision

July 7, 2015

Nothing ever happens until somebody sells something . . . right? It’s a universal concept that’s been around for so long that nobody really knows who said it first. These days, that wise old sage would have gotten a service mark. Here’s the question:  What are … Continued

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Dream life or reality show?

June 16, 2015

In successful businesses, if you stop any team member and ask, “What are you focused on right now?” you are likely to hear the very same answer from everyone. Next . . . you meet the business owner and ask, “How does your business fit into your life?” Not only do you … Continued

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Conventional wisdom that isn’t either.

April 13, 2015

Conventional wisdom often spouts off about razor-thin margins in the restaurant business. Our industry is perennially found on the list of the least profitable businesses, and media accounts are filled with information on how unprofitable restaurants are compared to say, law firms. In their 2015 … Continued

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Are we having fun yet?

March 31, 2015

If you own successful restaurants, you should be having fun with your business and be able to live your life with a great deal of freedom. Restaurateurs are idolized. To the outsider, owning restaurants does not really look like a job. It’s easy for people to … Continued

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When success drives more success.

March 19, 2015

“The P&L is really not important here anymore.” There, I said it. Around the table were some confused and shocked faces. The best businesses are doing well, but they know they can do better. Having a predictable financial statement and a budget they meet or … Continued

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The million-dollar question

March 16, 2015

One of my clients leaned into a group of his colleagues where I was sitting at a roundtable recently. He peered over my shoulder, and said in a mock comic tone, “Somebody has drilled the importance of PPA into me.” I could not see his … Continued

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What really happened last year?

January 13, 2015

Right about now, most business owners are reviewing their financials for 2014 and taking stock of success for last year and opportunities for 2015. But assumptions about what happened last year may be flat out wrong. What really happened?  What are the facts behind the … Continued

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Restaurant Management Rock stars in training.

April 11, 2014

Rockwall High School won this year’s  Texas ProStart Restaurant Management competition. Here are five reasons why: They used humor and enthusiasm to portray their ideas. They were through, detailed, committed, thoughtful and comprehensive. They solved all aspects of a problem, not just one part. They … Continued

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The State of the Union is . . . changeable.

February 5, 2014

It is human nature to want to influence government in whatever direction you think would be best for you and the people you care about.  What I have noticed is that whatever the government throws at business,  sometimes beneficial, sometimes not, companies react and respond … Continued

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Focus on the fundamentals.

January 7, 2014

Fundamentals may look like the boring stuff of business, but in fact they are the foundation for unique and special concepts that capture imaginations of diners and build wealth for their owners. Some companies do well because they are great at the fundamentals of business.  … Continued

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Got a great idea? Don’t give it away.

July 17, 2013

Your ideas are your greatest asset. It is called intellectual property for a reason — property you don’t want to give away.   It’s important to control your own life and business, and have the confidence that you can find the resources to succeed. Trinity Groves is … Continued

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Want a little more time off?

March 14, 2013

It is great being an entrepreneur and business owner. But maybe not so great if  your business demands your constant daily attention to detail and you realize you have bought yourself a job. The best business people take control of their lives, and never become … Continued

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The Waiting Room

October 3, 2012

The Affordable Care Act could be the greatest thing that ever happened to your business. Why? Because it will motivate you to grow revenue and profits in a way you have never been motivated before.  You can use it as a catalyst to put yourself into … Continued

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What’s all that knocking?

August 1, 2012

Maybe fewer people are going to Hawaii this summer, but they are still going out for a drink tomorrow night.  And the next night.  They have to have something to eat and something to wear, too.  There’s opportunity to make money in any economy. James … Continued

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From buzzwords to best practices.

May 22, 2012

No matter what you think of jargon and buzzwords, every business has an opportunity to succeed through people, focus, measurement and reinforcement. Recently the term “Best Practice” proudly took its place among’s list of “the Most Annoying, Pretentious and Useless Business Jargon.” Best Practice … Continued

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Everything Louder than Everything Else

May 7, 2012

When everything is louder than everything else, you can’t hear a thing.  Top businesses know they must turn their myriad messages down in order to make major improvements. There may be a chance to  focus on an area that is a true opportunity because it … Continued

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Little Village Syndrome – Excerpt from: Beyond Business

February 1, 2012

Excerpt from forthcoming book: Beyond Business, By: Matthew Mabel ©2012 Little Village Syndrome – Click Here to Download Full Chapter Small businesses can be like lush tropical villages protected by mountains and water that keep the outside world outside. Inhabiting the village is a pleasant … Continued

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