Restaurant Unit & Revenue Growth

Now is the Time To Re-Focus On Your Restaurant Menu

March 3, 2025

Your guests demand more than ever and their tastes change.The good news? All the data shows they’ll still hand you their credit or debit card  when you give them something they perceive as valuable.So, as part of your guest focus, never stop working on menu improvement.  … Continued

How To Take The Right Steps Toward Mastering Your Restaurant Financials

October 21, 2024

Have you set up your company properly to track financial success related to your management development efforts, value of the guest experience, and branding and cost management initiatives?  Do you share accurate information freely, presented in a format and cycle common to the industry?  Do the … Continued

How to Set Yourself Up for Great Holiday Revenue

October 1, 2024

Q4 starts today.  Everyone wants to maximize Q4 through the holiday spend. When you see that Christmas and New Year’s Day occur on Wednesdays this year, you know that 2024 provides the optimal set up for making money in Period 13.  Many of my clients … Continued

How to Discover the Missing Pieces to Increase Your Restaurant’s Success

August 12, 2024

In this challenging environment, two questions hold the key to unlocking increased sales and profit: These days, you must have every possible element working in your favor. Making things right can add 5% to the top line and 2% to the bottom line. Everyone wants … Continued

How Top Restaurant Operators Improve Revenue and Profit in a Soft Market

May 13, 2024

You can improve restaurant revenue and net operating income in any economy – even in 2024’s “flat market.”  One way I make this happen is to always look for people I call “caring, friendly whistleblowers.” They have great ideas that exist outside of the status quo – … Continued

What Successful Restaurant Growth Looks Like Now

May 6, 2024

In your heart, you know when your restaurants could be better.  And right now, I’m seeing a ton of opportunity for improvement out there. In the past few weeks, I have sat in restaurants where I felt warmly welcomed, checked on, and delighted – where … Continued

Lifting Restaurant Profits by Double Digits in Full-Service

April 23, 2024

The market and the economy will not do your work for you this year.  So you’ll just have to do it yourself. While guests are continuing to dine out less often, there’s good news to be found in the demographics most of my clients serve: … Continued

Even the Best-Laid Plans Can Change for the Better

April 8, 2024

Last week I wrote to you about plans. This week let’s talk about changing them. When your nav system offers a better route, take it. You ought to be putting the most emphasis where you will yield the greatest return.  Doing that means you may have to shift course … Continued

Avoid Pitfalls of Restaurant Expansion by Planning in Advance

April 1, 2024

Maybe you already have multiple units and you’re embarking into multi-city. Or maybe, in addition to multi-city, you’re adding a second concept. Either way, if you want to sleep better, plan and organize and import knowledge from the best restaurant companies in America – and do … Continued

Restaurateurs: How to Make Adjustments to Have a 2024 that Makes You Proud

March 26, 2024

So we’re at the end of Q1. Now what? 2024 didn’t start off with a bang; it started off with freakishly cold weather, kids missing days of school, and utility bills that made 2022’s inflation look tame.  Unfortunately, restaurateurs are still talking about that.  Relegate … Continued

Why You Miss the Biggest Hidden Opportunities in Your Restaurants

February 19, 2024

“Don’t bother to look over there; that’s all fine!” I’ve heard that from many clients who had brought me in to address specific issues. When I start roaming and nosing around their restaurants to find other opportunities to address, they try to shut me down … Continued

How to Conquer My 3 Stages of Restaurant Business Growth

December 11, 2023

For my best clients, it doesn’t matter what curveballs life throws at them. They stay on a strong growth curve regardless—remaining in control of their destiny and putting the right information to work. And when you do that, great things happen, like jumping from 5 … Continued

When Your Growth Plan Is Way Ahead of Your Restaurant’s Operating Capability

June 26, 2023

If it’s not going great now, why would you want more of not-great? My brother once asked me, “Has anyone ever opened a restaurant in Dallas they didn’t intend to be a prototype for expansion?” Well, yes, but he made his point. For many restaurateurs, … Continued

Top 2 Ways Smart Restaurant Operators Make Sure Growth Pays Off 

May 8, 2023

A funny thing happened on the way to the maybe-going-to-be-a-recession: Our business stabilized.  My clients focus on growth again, the smell of fresh paint and carpet glue is in the air and new staffs learn in training classes. With calm soft openings being as current … Continued

How to Build Back Guest Count in 2022 by Focusing on Uniqueness

December 13, 2021

For the best operators and smartest people, 2022 looks like a back-to-operating like a normal person year. Sure, the noise of the next variant, inflation, labor, and supply chain issues – still audible. But we have evolved in handling once-unusual and once-unthinkable scenarios. I tell … Continued

Success Depends on Recapturing Your Restaurant’s Guests, Not Your PPA

December 6, 2021

Stop looking at PPA. Start focusing on recovering the lost guest and guest count. If you know me well, you may be shocked that I would suggest you ever stop talking about PPA – even for one minute (or one shift). Right now, though, top operators realize … Continued

10-Point Checklist for Your New, Improved Restaurant Bonus Plan

June 14, 2021

As we put the restaurant crisis portion of the pandemic behind us, many operators are resuming bonus plans that lay dormant last year – when there was painfully little (or no) profit to share. But I see too many bonus plans out there that look … Continued

Nine Boxes to Check for Restaurant Post-Crisis Unit Growth

June 7, 2021

Growth is back on the menu. As we navigate the exit lane from the restaurant crisis portion of the pandemic, my clients – owners of successful multi-unit independent restaurant groups – re-focus on their next big move. Dining rooms are opening up, revenue is increasing, … Continued

How Top Restaurateurs Build Strong Futures with Second Generation Space

October 26, 2020

If everyone who calls me talking about taking advantage of second-generation restaurant space moves forward with their plans, I predict second-generation space will soon be in tight supply. Remember when there wasn’t any second-generation space? Not anymore. One of the tragic outcomes of this COVID-19 … Continued

Avoid the Biggest Mistake Restaurateurs Can Make Now

June 29, 2020

At some point every day, think about your cash position and borrowing ability.   Imagine the letters C-A-S-H in red letters 12 feet high on your front lawn. I know you have a lot of things to think about (and do), like running your partitioned and … Continued

How To Understand the Three Different Restaurant Guests That Will Decide Your Future

June 8, 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has segmented your guests into three distinct groups, each with different needs, wants, feelings, and thoughts – but all needing three meals a day. It’s like your three kids turned out so different; at dinner every night, one talks about their fantastic … Continued

How Top Owners Channel Their Inner Salesperson to Create Great Restaurants

October 14, 2019

Today’s worker has less than zero interest in hearing what their boss wants them to do without context. Smart people sell their decision and ideas.    If you don’t identify as a great salesperson but you want breakthrough results in your dining rooms, you must become a … Continued

Proven Method Makes Your Restaurant Team Embrace Change

September 9, 2019

A friend of mine told me she would enjoy moving every year. Wow! I had not heard that one before. But she abandoned that dream, realizing her kids need a stable home.   I remembered this when my daughter asked me, “Is this our forever … Continued

Mistake-proof Your Restaurant’s Move to a New City

August 19, 2019

When your restaurant concept goes to a new city, you typically go with mega excitement and hella-aggressive confidence. That’s because you know you have something special – like when you bought that gift you knew your partner was going to love. With their first bites, locals will … Continued

Why Top Restaurateurs Focus on Making More at Their Best Locations

July 1, 2019

Underperforming locations? They’re facts of life in the growth of any brand.  And sometimes they’re just born that way. That’s because site selection has become more science than art, but still has some artistic qualities – and can create a maternity ward for underperforming stores. … Continued

Strategy Stops Random Restaurant Growth from Undermining You

March 25, 2019

So you’re not an Olympic gold medalist, a musician with 20 million streams, or a Pulitzer Prize winner? Still want to leave your mark? For successful owners of independent restaurant companies growth looks like something between a hobby and an obsession that they talk about … Continued

How Restaurateurs Stay Unstuck and Take Advantage of New Thinking

March 4, 2019

Most successful people are comfortable with at least some degree of uncertainty. They surround themselves with people who tell them things that, at first, may not even seem true. Other people, though—who have trouble keeping up with the market, the competition, and the changing desires … Continued

How Restaurants Protect Themselves from Competition by Demonstrating Value

February 18, 2019

What would happen if you asked a bunch of restaurateurs how they’d react if they consistently received feedback that menu prices were too high? First, you would see them shake their heads in frustration, roll their eyes in disbelief, and face-plant on their dining table … Continued

The Secret to Transforming Your Restaurant Company Without Increasing Your Workload

February 11, 2019

“Just how much of my time is this going to take?” the successful owner of an independent multi-unit restaurant group asked me when we started working together. This happens often when I am about to start work transforming a business. I could see the fear … Continued

Proven Methods to Protect Yourself from Gambling on Growth

February 4, 2019

My favorite time in the restaurant business is any period of growth. The future is exciting. Everything is possible. The smell of carpet glue and fresh paint is in the air. The chance to do it right from the beginning is intriguing and motivating. Common … Continued

Your Dining Room: Don’t Work it Like a Car Salesman

January 14, 2019

Recently I had the pleasure of buying a new car. I did not have a choice—mine got totaled. (We are fine, by the way. No injuries.) Having no idea what I wanted, that meant interacting with lot of car dealers and a lot of car … Continued

The Proven Value of Storytelling at the Restaurant Table

December 17, 2018

Everyone likes a good story. Storytelling is how we communicate and influence people. Storytelling goes one step further than what you are currently doing. – Do you want to order the fantastic, juicy steak? Or order the steak the owner specifically chose because of how … Continued

5 Laws of Raising Restaurant Revenue and Outstripping Industry Averages

December 3, 2018

One of the many beautiful things about owning a successful independent multi-unit restaurant company is that revenue is in your control—and it can always be going up. But many restaurateurs don’t act that way. They have become me frustrated with next year’s industry forecasts that say … Continued

Your Restaurant’s Guest Comps Aren’t High Enough

October 29, 2018

When you look at expenses on your P&L, you are typically making sure numbers are low enough. On the other hand, when you look at guest comp expense, you ought to make sure it is high enough. If it is not, you are under-utilizing one … Continued

Ignore Industry Statistics and Grow Your Restaurant Business

October 22, 2018

All the growth in the industry is spending growth through PPA. Guest counts are going down. My advice to you and to my clients — successful owners of independent multi-unit restaurant groups — is to be good to yourself and forget all that. Put it … Continued