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Accountability doesn’t happen by accident.

As an independent restaurant owner you have the luxury and power of writing your own story in a way that many people envy. To not take advantage of that looks more like a wasteful tragedy than missed opportunity. In the restaurant industry, we all know our ticket times and we cancel a reservation on a … Continued

Sell the Vision

Nothing ever happens until somebody sells something . . . right? It’s a universal concept that’s been around for so long that nobody really knows who said it first. These days, that wise old sage would have gotten a service mark. Here’s the question:  What are you selling? Want to achieve business success and personal life … Continued

On the subject of walking your talk.

When my daughter was tiny, we had to make sure we kept her away from the stove, or a pot of hot tea. I would tell her, “The first rule is – don’t burn the baby.” Now she is three and when she walks through our kitchen, she recites that phrase with the sort of enthusiasm … Continued