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Don’t just do something . . . stand there.

Management is not about doing things, it’s about growing people and leadership. If you call yourself a manager and you find yourself in the doing mode, stop. Julie Dickson, the managing director of Black Sombrero in Lismore, New South Wales, Australia recently wrote me.  That’s right . . . she operates a “Taqueria and Tequilaria” in … Continued

The high cost of weakness.

The best companies make strengths out of their weaknesses.   If you want to get the most from your business, you really don’t have any choice. Yesterday I was on the phone to a frankly excellent customer service department of a consumer electronics company.  The phone was answered quickly, the person who answered was smart, funny, and … Continued

Pay Up! You can’t afford to live without ROI on compensation.

If you want to increase profits and asset value, pay your people more. We all spend a lot of time thinking about employee retention, attracting great candidates, and providing good benefits.  It’s vital to have a stable workforce that understands our culture and our systems, and that takes care of customers in the way we want … Continued

What really happened last year?

Right about now, most business owners are reviewing their financials for 2014 and taking stock of success for last year and opportunities for 2015. But assumptions about what happened last year may be flat out wrong. What really happened?  What are the facts behind the numbers that will dictate management activity to truly increase results and the … Continued