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Until infrastructure is in place, you can’t afford to grow.

Recently, a partner in a startup chatted with me in the dining room of his first unit. He has aggressive goals for growth and wanted to discuss his second unit. He asked, “What are the biggest mistakes you see groups like mine make at the beginning of their development?” The first thing that came to mind was failure … Continued

Shoring up weak points deserves time and money.

Quick! Pop quiz! What are the weak points in your organization? Quick! Another pop quiz! What could you build to make your company stronger? It’s great to know what to do. The truth is that most people know what to do, but they don’t know why they have not done it. Just like a human … Continued

Dream life or reality show?

In successful businesses, if you stop any team member and ask, “What are you focused on right now?” you are likely to hear the very same answer from everyone. Next . . . you meet the business owner and ask, “How does your business fit into your life?” Not only do you get a clear answer, but it is delivered with excitement, happiness and … Continued

Squeaky Wheels on the Fast Track

Most job descriptions are an unnecessary waste of time and are holding people back. There . . . I said it. Just like I said recently to a professor who teachers Hospitality Supervision. As you might expect, he did not agree with me. But we had a respectful conversation in front of this class. When … Continued