How the Great Restaurateurs Become Even Better Through Coaching

Michael Jordan and Tom Brady had coaches.

The CEO of Ford has a coach – I’ve met him (the coach, not the CEO!).

However successful you’ve been, and no matter how talented you are, coaching will bring out even more from you.

So, who coaches you?

And who coaches the people inside your successful multi-unit independent restaurant company?


Matthew’s Top Five Reasons You’ll Gain from Coaching

  1. Perspective. While you get to see the inside of your company, a coach can see across multiple companies – and can make the connections to close gaps in yours.
  2. Experience. An experienced coach has “seen it all” and knows how their coaching clients best triumph in any situation. Action and results show up without a treacherous trial-and-error period.
  3. Support. The best coaches identify strengths and boost confidence, abilities, and esteem. They unlock power that people didn’t even know they had.
  4. Different voice. Top coaches work with your people and pursue your company goals using a different voice than the one that has always been heard. Communication cuts through your own clutter – especially with senior people who have heard it all before.
  5. Focus. For good reason, organizations don’t focus on one person’s success; yet, when individual leaders excel, they create global success. Coaching makes people think about performance in a uniquely personal way that still aligns with goals, vision, and strategy.

Criteria for the Coached

What’s one behavior that can help ensure the coaching you receive results in success? Letting yourself be coachable.

You must be open to doing things differently. Be glad to both hear what you excel at and see how you get in your own way sometimes (and maybe even more often than that).

I know this first-hand. The business coaches who have helped me have propelled my business in ways I never could have achieved by myself. This has created huge benefits for my clients.

One of the people I coach told me excitedly, “No one has ever invested in me like this before!”

Another told a prospective president of one of my clients, doing due diligence on me before they accepted the position (and my advice), “Matthew completely changed the way I think about my business.”

Over to you. Are you coachable? How would you benefit from being coached?

Freedom and flexibility guide for restaurateurs.

What’s the point of owning a successful restaurant business if you don’t have freedom?

Download Matthew Mabel's Freedom and Flexibility Guide for Restaurateurs to learn how to...

  • Step away for extended periods of time
  • Contribute to your community in a unique way
  • Spend more time with friends and family
  • Travel for weeks at a time
  • Split your residence at a vacation home for several months a year