Recently, I talked with the Dallas Business Journal‘s staff writer Steven R. Thompson for his article “Small Lucia eatery finds a big following.” Lucia has some of the hardest tables to get in Dallas and he wanted to know more about that phenomenon. In the article, Jennifer Uygur, who co-owns the restaurant with her husband, David, said opening a restaurant has “been the fastest and slowest year I think we’ve ever had.” Most restaurateurs would smile and nod their heads knowingly remembering back to their first year in business. There is an exhilarating feeling of flying at supersonic speed. Then there is the feeling of being at the back of the airport security line on the day before Thanksgiving. Can both be true? You bet. If you are starting or expanding a restaurant venture, be prepared for that roller coaster ride. More on opening restaurants in the future.

What’s the point of owning a successful restaurant business if you don’t have freedom?
Download Matthew Mabel's Freedom and Flexibility Guide for Restaurateurs to learn how to...
- Step away for extended periods of time
- Contribute to your community in a unique way
- Spend more time with friends and family
- Travel for weeks at a time
- Split your residence at a vacation home for several months a year