The people who brought you to the first level of growth will not be the ones who will amp it up to the next level.
Bring in outside perspectives.
A ton of my work involves helping people find the right experienced leaders, enrolling and hiring those leaders, and coaching them (and their new bosses) to transition them to my client companies.
Veteran industry leaders add much-needed technique and knowledge.
They bring a whole other level of leadership, inspiration, management, supervision, discipline, hospitality, service, and accountability.
On a parallel track, we take steps to make sure they don’t blow up and destroy what already works at their new brands.
Propel Your Business Forward More Rapidly
Many of my clients have been singularly focused on building their businesses for so long that they have lost touch with the rest of the industry.
The result? They know very little about any other company than their own. Or they are working in an area where they have no experience.
Highly successful, they and their brands have been on an exciting trajectory.
To stay on that trajectory, though—and even speed up that journey—requires outside knowledge and experience.
They must find the right veteran leaders to accomplish that.
Relax, Don’t Be Nervous
This is the third of my series of things to think about for 2024. The first one showed how to create success. The second addressed my three stages of restaurant growth. The final one coming next week will address one of my favorite topics: ownership freedom and flexibility.
Take me up on my offer of free downloads on each of these critical planks of success, and keep reading for the link to the third one.
When you read the words “add senior management” that can lead to a nervous sensation in your stomach—especially if you have never done that before, or had inconsistent or a lack of long term success with that in the past.
This week’s free download is my guide to “Why You Need to Add Senior Management to Your Multi-Unit Restaurant Company.” Click here to get it and focus on how to upgrade leadership.
It will also inform you about the type of candidate you should never hire and why you must be prepared to provide your new leader with clarity and specific strategy.
Now, who will you add to your team to facilitate a breakthrough year in 2024?