Let’s Talk About How to Elevate Your Restaurant Workforce to Match What Your Pay Them

As a young nightclub owner, I would get a physical feeling of excitement and adrenaline every year after Christmas – along with a sense memory reminding me that New Year’s Eve, the biggest night of the year, was about to happen.

Now, after decades of advising successful owners of growing restaurant companies here in Texas, July 4th gives me another feeling: the Texas Restaurant Show, the biggest weekend of the Texas restaurant community’s year, is coming soon. This year it will take place at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston from July 7-10.

When you attend the show and see me speak, you’ll learn about actionable techniques you will immediately use in your restaurants now to address our industry’s biggest challenges related to a less-qualified workforce.

How to Grow and Keep Today’s Worker

Today, you’re paying less-qualified people higher wages than ever before.

Unless we elevate their abilities, every aspect of running a restaurant – from production to hospitality – suffers.

Top operators understand the need to act right now to elevate managers and staff through renewing efforts to raise people up.

On the other hand, operators who do only what they have always done fall further and further behind in output and productivity.  

I know which group I want you to be in.

That’s why I remain thrilled that the Texas Restaurant Association has asked me to join an education session at the upcoming Texas Restaurant Show: “The Long Road, Improving Employee Skills Today for a Lifelong Career”, which takes place on the OnTrend Concepts Innovation Stage at 11am on Sunday, July 9.

Unless you’ve been hiding in a tiny managers’ office in one of your units for the past three years, hoping a sub-par workforce would magically improve, you know that the way to raise up employees who come to you with less experience and qualifications than ever before forecasts how successful your restaurants can be in the future. 

In Person Remains Better Than Digital

I really appreciate your reading, and I see in all those open rates and clicks that you value my work.

And if you would like to meet me in person at the show and have a quick conversation about the latest thinking relating to growth, profit, harmony, and ownership personal freedom – or what improving employee skills means to your company – click reply to this email and we will set a time.  

See you in Houston in a few weeks!

Freedom and flexibility guide for restaurateurs.

What’s the point of owning a successful restaurant business if you don’t have freedom?

Download Matthew Mabel's Freedom and Flexibility Guide for Restaurateurs to learn how to...

  • Step away for extended periods of time
  • Contribute to your community in a unique way
  • Spend more time with friends and family
  • Travel for weeks at a time
  • Split your residence at a vacation home for several months a year