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How Successful Restaurant Owners Stop ”Being Busy”

Show as much interest in the quality of their lives as they do results produced by their business. “How are you doing?” is a question we all get asked so many times we develop a rote answer. For many, that answer is, “I’m Busy” — a false badge of honor that says to some, “I’m … Continued

Alert! Four Issues Impact Your Restaurant’s Growth

My brother from Seattle, visiting me in Dallas, once asked me, “Does anyone in Dallas ever open a restaurant that is not a prototype for expansion?” He was being a little critical, a little incredulous, and also, I think, just really wanted to eat at a restaurant where someone had poured their heart into the … Continued

Can You Take a Month’s Vacation From Your Restaurants?

You can when you set up your company to run without depending upon you. This is Spring Break week here in Texas (we go early in the year) — time to think about getting away. What’s the secret of restaurateurs who can get away for a week, two weeks, a month or more? In recent … Continued

Four Critical Steps to Overcoming Group Think in Your Restaurant

The success of your independent restaurant company is a byproduct of your experiences and beliefs. And that’s good news, because your P&L shows above-average industry profits, your mystery shoppers give you high scores, and streams of guests come into your dining rooms every day. You may view that success as a kind of validation of … Continued

Top Tips to Keep Your Restaurant Relevant

Be innovative. Today’s ideas are like fresh produce: wonderful but perishable — and, as an independent restaurant company owner, you constantly need a new supply. My most successful clients combine innovation with a robust social media presence to stay fresh, and make things happen. Why not look at your social media feed right now — … Continued

Number One Shortcut to Being an Employer of Choice

Make your restaurant brand a cause. If you are an independent restaurant company owner who wants your organization to be an “employer of choice,” raise your hand. No kidding? Everyone has their hand up! Why is that? Because “employer of choice” equals “I’m fully staffed with people who want to stay.” We all have experience … Continued

Most Important Characteristic of Top Management

Being a grown up. At first, that may seem obvious. You’re not hiring 14-year-olds to run operations, right? But what if the 36-, 45-, or 52-year-old you hired acts more like a 14-year-old? Or even a 5-year-old? As you read this, I bet someone is coming to your mind. No More Drama In my life’s … Continued

Restaurant Bubble? Protect Yourself From the Success Bubble Instead

Before bed the other night, I read a post on Culture Map listing 50 new restaurant openings in our metro Dallas area. I think it’s safe to say that, as I predicted, the restaurant bubble bursting did not happen. There has been a fair share of restaurant closings lately — often attributed to the restaurant bubble. But, if … Continued

What Restaurants Focus on to Ensure Annual Revenue Growth

There are always concepts that are growing, prospering, and building impressive results, outpacing the market. Yours ought to be one of them. For some others, something changed. Many long-time operators who had felt it was their birthright to see 4-5% annual increase every year got a surprise. The gains were not there. Was it too … Continued