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Why You Miss the Biggest Hidden Opportunities in Your Restaurants

“Don’t bother to look over there; that’s all fine!” I’ve heard that from many clients who had brought me in to address specific issues. When I start roaming and nosing around their restaurants to find other opportunities to address, they try to shut me down – feeling I am wasting time and effort. That is, … Continued

How to Conquer My 3 Stages of Restaurant Business Growth

For my best clients, it doesn’t matter what curveballs life throws at them. They stay on a strong growth curve regardless—remaining in control of their destiny and putting the right information to work. And when you do that, great things happen, like jumping from 5 units to 21, or reinvigorating revenue at a brand that … Continued

Top 2 Ways Smart Restaurant Operators Make Sure Growth Pays Off 

A funny thing happened on the way to the maybe-going-to-be-a-recession: Our business stabilized.  My clients focus on growth again, the smell of fresh paint and carpet glue is in the air and new staffs learn in training classes. With calm soft openings being as current as a vintage concert T-shirt, guests are lining up for … Continued

How to Build Back Guest Count in 2022 by Focusing on Uniqueness

For the best operators and smartest people, 2022 looks like a back-to-operating like a normal person year. Sure, the noise of the next variant, inflation, labor, and supply chain issues – still audible. But we have evolved in handling once-unusual and once-unthinkable scenarios. I tell my clients “Prepare to have a planful and successful year” … Continued

Success Depends on Recapturing Your Restaurant’s Guests, Not Your PPA

Stop looking at PPA. Start focusing on recovering the lost guest and guest count. If you know me well, you may be shocked that I would suggest you ever stop talking about PPA – even for one minute (or one shift). Right now, though, top operators realize 2021’s industry gains have all come from increased menu prices … Continued

10-Point Checklist for Your New, Improved Restaurant Bonus Plan

As we put the restaurant crisis portion of the pandemic behind us, many operators are resuming bonus plans that lay dormant last year – when there was painfully little (or no) profit to share. But I see too many bonus plans out there that look like manuals for a product that doesn’t work. They’re convoluted, … Continued

Nine Boxes to Check for Restaurant Post-Crisis Unit Growth

Growth is back on the menu. As we navigate the exit lane from the restaurant crisis portion of the pandemic, my clients – owners of successful multi-unit independent restaurant groups – re-focus on their next big move. Dining rooms are opening up, revenue is increasing, moods are becoming more positive, and many still have a … Continued

How Top Restaurateurs Build Strong Futures with Second Generation Space

If everyone who calls me talking about taking advantage of second-generation restaurant space moves forward with their plans, I predict second-generation space will soon be in tight supply. Remember when there wasn’t any second-generation space? Not anymore. One of the tragic outcomes of this COVID-19 crisis? The number of restaurants that have been forced to … Continued

Avoid the Biggest Mistake Restaurateurs Can Make Now

At some point every day, think about your cash position and borrowing ability.   Imagine the letters C-A-S-H in red letters 12 feet high on your front lawn. I know you have a lot of things to think about (and do), like running your partitioned and socially-distanced dining rooms, studying your newly-installed curbside to-go stations, encouraging … Continued