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Restaurateurs: How to Keep Investors From Owning You

Who is the only person to whom you should give control of your successful multi-unit independent restaurant company? The person you just sold it to. Other than that, no one. While you are at your company, keep control. No matter how tempting the offer, control your brand, concept, company, and IP. Period. Ensure You Keep … Continued

Don’t Let Fear of a Restaurant Bubble Divert You From Success

People always talk about a possible restaurant bubble. It is human nature to worry about things that may impact our livelihoods. Owners of independent restaurant companies wonder, “Does the bubble exist? Is it about to burst? What happens when it does?” A couple of years ago, the question really took on a life of its … Continued

Are You Playing the Victim in Your Restaurant Business?

Successful people continue to be successful during lulls in their business, it is all a matter of degree — and that may cover up the need to address opportunities that, if they could talk, would be shouting for attention. • “After the election, my sales will go up.” • “My sales problem will self-correct.” • … Continued

How Unconventional Leaders Achieve Their Greatest Restaurant Success

Over the years, I have worked with so many successful independent multi-unit restaurant owners. A lot of them share this common characteristic — they just don’t fit the mold. You know, the conventional American business leader: the great manager who runs an organized, rational, structured, efficient company. On the extreme is the story about the … Continued

Restaurateur’s Essential Guide to Developing Powerful General Managers

General Managers are the most important people in your successful multi-unit independent restaurant company. They control what happens within the four walls — including both the guest experience and the strength of your bottom line. Finding great general managers in the current labor market can be agonizingly difficult.  As an industry we responded to this … Continued

How Much Does it Cost to NOT Hire Top Management?

A lot! Sometimes it feels like it is easier to raise money, sign a lease, build, and open a restaurant than to find someone to run it. There is a definite shortage of talented restaurant managers — and especially general managers. If you are a successful owner of an independent multi-unit restaurant company, you have … Continued

Are You Differentiating Your Brand?

My research shows you need more than great food, service, and atmosphere — the holy trinity of the restaurant business — to guarantee success for the units in the independent restaurant company you own. My best clients build their successful multi-unit independent restaurant companies around the branding and experience business, not around the restaurant business. … Continued

How Restaurateurs Turn Challenges into their Biggest Competitive Advantage

I was recently interviewed by Howard Riell for a cover story for Restaurant Startup and Growth Magazine titled, “Help Needed — How to Compete for and Retain Employees in Today’s Job Market.” If you want to know what I think about that topic, Howard really nailed it. To summarize: owners of multi-unit independent restaurant companies … Continued

#1 Path to Restaurant Success

Listen to your guests. Last week I wrote about guests’ changing thinking on delivery and how it was out in front of many restaurateurs’ thinking. Guests accept a tradeoff — convenience vs. quality. They have realized delivered food is never as good as it is in a restaurant, but they value the convenience of delivery even … Continued