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Warning: Eliminate Sexual Harassment in Your Restaurants

We have all read about the John Besh Scandal.  Besh — famed New Orleans chef of August, Lüke, Domenica, and Shaya fame — recently stepped down from his own company after allegations were made of a culture of sexual harassment in his company. You have probably not gone back and read the actual investigative journalism … Continued

4 Steps to Successfully Eradicate Sexual Harassment

Make the policies you have put in place stick. Since the national focus on this topic has intensified recently, I’ve noticed how many of my clients and friends in the industry have been talking nonstop about it. That is healthy. They are making change. Last October, I wrote about the topic here. In this month’s FSRmagazine, devoted … Continued

Secrets the Smartest Restauranteurs Know About Targeting Guests

When you are the best choice for the guest’s occasion, your guest counts increase. But who is your guest? And what is the occasion? Why You Shouldn’t Panic When you think about how much competition is out there, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But don’t panic! You probably don’t have anywhere near as much competition … Continued

Don’t Waste Another Second on Hiring If You Haven’t Done This First

Onboarding. What happens after you hire a new employee is arguably more important than recruiting and training. Your people’s attitudes and behaviors are the number one reason they bond with your brand, their coworkers, and your guests. When new employees at the multi-unit independent restaurant company you own understand what makes your restaurants different, they’re … Continued

How Restaurant Company Owners Push Through Expansion Barriers, Part 2

If your independent restaurant company unit count has reached double digits, congratulations! You’ve reached a significant milestone.  Where do you go from here? Maybe you’ve never owned 10 restaurants before. A whole new set of challenges and opportunities awaits. It’s imperative that you handle them — not only to continue to grow healthy new units … Continued

How Restaurant Company Owners Push Through Expansion Barriers, Part 1

All my research points to a proven formula for handling issues that impact your multi-unit independent restaurant company’s ability to grow. In our business, it is a cliché that the hardest thing to do is grow from one to two units. But there are other leaps that are equally challenging. Blowing past three to four … Continued

4 Keys to Restaurant Company Owners Finding Joy

If you own a successful independent multi-unit restaurant company, your work life — and your whole life — ought to be a joy. That’s how my best clients feel. This is the single most important thing I work on with my clients. But not all their peers feel that way. Some are caught up in … Continued

Four Strategies for Selecting Your Site

Restaurant Development+Design November/December, 2015 By:  Matthew Mabel Choosing the right site — one that is optimal for your concept, the right location for your customer base and at the right time for the place — is paramount to your success. Site selection is about more than just the viability of the unit you intend to … Continued