Today’s Best Restaurateurs Know There’s No Shame in Learning from Others

At first, it was a surprise that the younger entrepreneurs I work with today – people in their 30s and 40s, building great brands and futures for themselves and their families – don’t suffer from the ego problems that obstructed their predecessors.

They are much clearer on the advantages of learning from others, and they feel less petrifying self-doubt.

Once they understand the possibilities that have eluded them, they quickly become ready to work with me and others.

As a result, they turbo-charge their journey toward their desired destinations.


People Try To Put Us Down

Today’s generation acts so differently from, well, my generation.

I see this clearly as I guide millennial and Gen X restaurateurs as they go from growing their companies one minute to, the next minute, working with lifetime achievement award winners to improve their companies.

One time, I put both groups in a room.  Here’s what happened:

Back when I started my life’s work in advising owners of successful independent multi-unit restaurant companies, I spent a lot of time overcoming ownership shame.

I talked to so many digital immigrant restaurateurs who, at first, felt their worth came from being able to do it all themselves.

That feeling was a barrier they had to surpass before they could accept outside experience, insight, and wisdom.

And, by the way, I was exactly the same when I operated – which now looks funny if you think about it.

Surrender: The Key to Your Restaurant’s Growth


Don’t Let Ego Trip You Up

Today, the Gen X and millennial clients I work with act differently.

No ego problem.

If they feel shame, that’s only because they haven’t yet taken advantage of the best knowledge and advice in the industry.

Experienced advice is their express lane to improvement – something that can be instantly acquired rather than slowly and methodically learned.

This huge generational advance connects to their habit-forming consumption of information available in one click.

Seeking lessons learned by others means they don’t have to do things the hard way.

So more of my activity now consists of connecting restaurateurs to other best-in-class resources.

I’ll leave it up to behavioral scientists to explain further.

And helping people avoid doing things the hard way? One of the reasons I started my business back in 1991.

Over to you.

If you started operating in the previous century, learn from the younger generation. Shake off the discomfort you may feel about asking for help – from me or any other great resources available in our industry.

If you’re in the Gen X or millennial category, and are reading this as part of your regular routine, make sure that practice includes constantly seeking resources that rocket you forward.

Freedom and flexibility guide for restaurateurs.

What’s the point of owning a successful restaurant business if you don’t have freedom?

Download Matthew Mabel's Freedom and Flexibility Guide for Restaurateurs to learn how to...

  • Step away for extended periods of time
  • Contribute to your community in a unique way
  • Spend more time with friends and family
  • Travel for weeks at a time
  • Split your residence at a vacation home for several months a year

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